Title: "Winning The War On Terrorism" Date: November 26, 2003 Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) Written to: George W. Bush, President of the United States of America
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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
Here is a letter to President George W. Bush that shares with him some of the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) that has grown within the heart of this child, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler), and makes some suggestions to him about using this gift of God for our age to help him in his own life, and as President, to help him and his administration win the war on terrorism.
With this on-line version of the letter, of Spiritual Letter 53, we have included a copy of two recent speeches by President George W. Bush, first, "America's Actions In The War On Terrorism", a speech given on 9/9/03 to America, and second, "A Call For The U.N. To Help In Iraq", a speech given on 9/24/03 at the U.N. In addition, we have included an Outline for each speech by the President, and for the second speech we have also included a Summary of his speech at the U.N.
You can access a copy of each speech by clicking HERE, for the first speech, and HERE for the second speech, or above, or at the top of the page for either speech. Thank you.
Also, we have provided a Summary of This Letter to the President, which you can access by clicking HERE, above, or at the top of this page.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
Outline of Spiritual Letter: Page 1 of 3 - the page you are now reading learned it as "separate from" or as "One with" the Guru, and what did we do with our learning, did we store what we learned in our mind and desire, or write it on the tablet of our heart, allowing the Guru to read the tablet and advise us further opportunity like none other in our age, to sit at the feet of the life and teaching of God for our age, and if we like, to become the fruit of that Tree, for the benefit of everyone living in both the East and the West now, before we die, or when we die the choice is made for us, by what we have in our ignorance and arrogance become in the world, in the world that we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, we have become "separate from" God, and when we die, then we get "separation from" God for eternity within God, and God is within us, when in truth we are "One with" God, and God is "One with" us, when in truth all of our brothers and sisters, and all of the Creation of God are within us, not outside of us we are all One, we all have the same original mother and father, which was Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them), and we have no natural enemies, and the only thing that keeps us separate from each other are our animal qualities of "separation and differences" that have grown within us in our ignorance apple seed, that it is buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to grow we die, because the house we build is the house we get, the crop we sow is the harvest we will reap, because "The justice of God is that whatever we intend is what we will receive". In this way, our own life answers the question, "What do we want?", because what we end up with, before we die, is what we truly want after we die, not what we may say we want, and is what we then get for eternity, through the justice of God, for in each moment of our life before we die, we are talking to God, we are telling God what we want for eternity, by what we focus on, support, join, intend, learn about, spend time with, believe in, love, and trust, at each moment during our day, our week, our month, our year, at each moment of our life, before we die. Such is the justice of God and the absolute perfection of His Judgment terrorism, within ourselves and within those around us, is our love and faith and trust in God, and only in God, and through this, our direct relationship with God within us, a loving relationship of Oneness with God within us, which starts when we truly understand what this means Page 2 of 3 - click HERE to go to Page 2
3-0. The Wealth of Our Age - needs to be applied to the problems of our age 4-0. A Little Bit About Louie Beutler - who is probably a lot like you, Mr. President 5-0. Suggestions From The Heart - which in truth is where we all live as One 5-1. Recognize & Believe That There Is A Real Answer To Terrorism - and that answer is God, that answer is the power or grace of God in each of our lives 5-2. Make The "Road Map" Their Problem, Not Your Problem - but make "them", make the Israelis and the Palestinians your problem 5-3. Fix The U.N., Fix What Was Not Right From The Start - by realizing and accepting that a strong U.N., united under God, is really what is needed in the world today 5-4. Specific Recommendations For Changing The U.N. - make the U.N. a powerful democratic model for the world, as one nation, one united world under God Page 3 of 3 - click HERE to go to Page 3
5-5. Take A New Look At The U.N. - and perhaps develop an entirely new part of the U.N., whose focus is mainly on the citizens of the world, forming perhaps a United World Community, a New Virtual Nation for all of the citizens of the world 5-6. Let Democracy Evolve In America - by seriously taking into account direct citizen participation at all levels of government in America, developing the fifth co-equal branch of Government; Executive, Legislative, Judicial, Free-Press, and "The Justice of Conscience" 5-7. The Enemy Within - is the real terrorist, who we must join with God within us to defeat. Only then will we truly bring peace to the world 6-0. Closing Prayer & Comments - forgive me the wrong and accept the good. So I request
Text of Spiritual Letter: - Page 1 1. Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 53
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
We have carefully listened to and studied the speeches that you gave to us on September 9th, 2003, a speech to the American people concerning America's actions in the War On Terrorism, and the speech on September 24th, 2003, at the U.N., asking the U.N. to help in Iraq, and find both of them very inspiring and clear, and I am moved by my wisdom, my heart, and my conscience to write this letter to you, to thank you for your courage and leadership in this difficult time in the world, when so many traditional values and beliefs of America and of the whole world are being challenged and attacked by some people and groups in the world today.
(Note: we have included a copy of the two speeches recently given by President George W. Bush as part of this on-line version of Spiritual Letter 53, which you can access by clicking HERE for speech 1, which was given on 9/9/03 to America, or HERE for speech 2, which was given on 9/24/03 at the U.N., or at the top of the page)
My dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, this is certainly a critical time, a milestone time, for everyone living in the world today, especially for the leaders of the world, in trying to successfully navigate each of their countries, their "ships of state", through the dangerous waters of our time, so that we can all feel content that we have, as you have so clearly said in your speech, "Accepted the duties of our generation", especially when those same duties are seen through the perspective of different races and religions, and of different economic and political realities. May God help us all.
May God help us to see all of these worldly things through the eye of wisdom, through the eye of the Oneness of God and His Creation, that God has personally and ever so lovingly placed on the forehead of Adam (peace be upon Him) within each of us, before we were even born or came into this earth world, so we can, if we like, see things as God sees them, see them as one with us, see them all as reflecting what God is doing within us, which is revealing Himself for the benefit of all of His Creation.
May God help us all develop this new way of seeing, which each of us can most certainly do, if we will but have faith and trust in God, and in God alone, and if we will but join with God within us to conduct our own life, and the lives around us, joining as "One with" Him, no longer "separate from" Him, gradually seeing the things "outside" of us as they really are, as really existing within each of us, and only existing "outside" of us as but a selfish refection of what God is doing selflessly within each of us.
In addition, we are writing this letter to share something that could be of great value to you both personally, and to your administration, in winning the war on terrorism, something that you may not know about, which is a great and wondrous treasure that through the grace of God has recently come to America, specifically to the "City of Brotherly Love", to the city that we call Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the US of A.
Something that not many people really know about, that could provide a permanent solution to the problems that we are all facing personally, in our own lives, and in the world today, so that we don't end up doing this all over again, in the next generation, if there is a next generation, as we are now forced to do it again by the previous generation's failure to get it right. 2. The Life And Teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
My dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, here is a brief overview of the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), from the perspective of this child, from the perspective of your brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler), a name that His Holiness gave to this child in 1980, when we visited His Holiness in Ceylon. 2-1. What We Learn From The Guru Depends On Many Things - for example, did we learn it as "separate from" or as "One with" the Guru, and what did we do with our learning, did we store what we learned in our mind and desire, like we do with everything else that we learn in the world "outside" of us, or did we join with our Guru to write it on the tablet of our heart, where later the Guru will come into our heart, read the tablet, and advise us further
However, as we start this sharing my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, please keep in mind that there are as many understandings of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) as their are Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
And we encourage you, Mr. President, to spend as much time as you can with the many different Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), both young and older, hearing their side of the story, before making any decision on the validity or applicability of this beautiful teaching to your own life, and as spiritual guidance of the first order to your administration in winning the war on terrorism.
And not just use the sharing of this fool as truly representative of the great depth and breath of the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), that has come into the world at this time, and as pointing to what God has personally, and every so lovingly place within you, and within each of us living in this age, Mr. President, even before we were born, in order to guide this great country, and the world through this very difficult and dangerous time.
Keeping in mind as you experience the different Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), including this child, that what one learns from a teacher like His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) depends on many things, like "who" the Child has studied with, and "what" the Child has done with what he or she has learned.
For example, what one learns depends on "what" one has done with that experience, with what they have learned at the feet of His Holiness. For example, by keeping it for themselves as a personal experience to better their own life, in this way, using it to broaden and complete their personal journey back to God, or by sharing it with their brothers and sisters, as we are currently doing Mr. President, in this way, transforming it into a public experience, into "our experience", or by giving it back to God, as His slave, realizing that their is nothing that we can do with this divine learning experience ourselves, without God's intervention, giving it to God for Him to use it as He wills, to complete what He has started within us.
In this way, making it available for God's use within us, for God to use within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, as a gift from God to God within us, with us as the witness, with us as the wisdom or consciousness within us that knows and accepts that in truth "Only God exists", and knowing this hands to God within us what God has handed to us on the "outside" of us, in order to complete what now needs to come to completion within us, before we die, if hell is to be avoided when we die.
If before we die, an eternal life of "separation from" God within us is to be replaced with an eternal life of "Oneness with" God within us, allowing God to reveal God to God within us, by first revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us, by first allowing our wisdom within us to reveal True Man to True Man within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God and of True Man within us.
Allowing our wisdom within us, which for the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) is our beloved Shaikh within us, is our beloved Father within us, is our beloved Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, to reveal True Man to True Man within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God and of True Man within us.
And what we have learned from His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) also depends on "how" we have learned it, how we have learned the gift of God for our age for the Children of God for our age, which is all of us living in this age, if we truly want it to be, leaning it either as "separate from" His Holiness, making it "our" personal learning, or learning it as "One with" His Holiness, making it "God's learning", making it the "understanding of God" for our age, that can be used to bring to completion all of the lives of incompleteness within us for this age, when we have joined in partnership with His Holiness within us to complete what His Holiness has started within us, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.
And what we have learned from His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) also depends on where we have stored it, where we have stored what we have learned, either within our mind and desire, which is where we store everything else we learn in the world "outside" of us, or within our very own heart, which is how what we learn becomes accessible to His Holiness within, and to us and to all of our brothers and sisters after we die, by joining with His Holiness to store what we have learned within our very own heart.
Otherwise all that we have learned and stored within our mind and desire is destroyed when we die, and becomes like "writing on water", where a moment after it is written it disappears, which is the actual amount of time we live in the world, only a moment, and there is no way of knowing what was written, and what was written will never be of any benefit to either us or to anyone else, after we die.
For as His Holiness teaches us in the beautiful children's book, "Come To The Secret Garden", and which is reprinted in the 1991 Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship Calendar, for the month of September,
"My grandchildren, the right path is truth, the wisdom of truth. This is not something that we can just talk about, we must bring it into action.
Talking about something is one thing, but doing it is another. You have to act upon the truth. Nothing will happen just from talking, whether the words come from you or from a man of wisdom.
In the same way that the ink from your pen sticks to a piece of paper, your actions must stick to your words. It is easy to talk about wisdom, But you have to hold on and stick to it.
Learn only that which can never be erased. Do not bother to learn anything that can be erased. That kind of learning is like writing on water. You write, but a second later, it disappears, and there is no way of knowing what was written. You will never be able to benefit from that kind of learning, and neither will anyone else.
Think about this.
What you learn must be firmly established (within you) and printed (within you) in a way that will stick. Only if you stay with the Shaikh will you be able to do this."
"Dear, Son, if you wish to differentiate between good and bad and clarify yourself, you should associate with a virtuous Guru, perform His bidding, accept His exhortations, record and preserve them in the book of your heart.
Then the Master Guru will take that tablet of the heart, read it, and advise you further. He will teach you the secret of assembling the body of man with the twenty-eight letters of grace on each spot.
He will show you how to enliven each spot, how to give life to it, how to speak tactfully, how to dismantle the body parts, and how to re-assemble them. In this state, my Son, if you lean the "magic" of dismantling the human body, and re-assembling it, you will witness the Primal One.
Dear Son, there are magical numbers to enliven each letter. Learn these numbers from the Guru. Further, this magic contains three Sacred Words.
My Son, you should eliminate earth, woman, and gold from your body. No sooner the Guru sees you in this purified state, he will instruct you in the magic of the three Sacred Words.
"Be aloof, Be hungry (for knowledge), Be alert."
If you diligently observe these three, you will have the Grace of Allah. The Guru's Secret is this. Learn this.
Once you have mastered this magic, your Guru will impart to you His Grace, the Gnaana Magic (the Divine Word)."
In this way, my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, what the disciple learns and where he stores it determines the value of his learning, both to himself and to everyone else, both now and after his death, for learning it as "separate from" the Guru makes it the learning of "separation and differences", which is not acceptable to the Guru, as praying separate from the Guru makes our prayers into prayers of "separation and differences", which is not acceptable to God.
And storing what we have learned in our mind and desire makes what we have learned susceptible to the illness of our mind and desire, like our arrogance, karma, and illusion, like storing grain improperly allows it to become infected with worms and rats, making it unusable by ourselves and anyone else.
In this way, our learning only becomes valuable if we learn it as "One with" the Guru, and if we join with Him within us to move it into our heart, and to store it, to write it, on the tablet within our very own heart,
In this way, allowing His Holiness to come to us again, but this time within us, to read the tablet within us, to explain to us further about the significance of what we had learned earlier on the "outside" of us, at the feet of the Guru, learning further about what was successfully moved earlier into our heart and permanently written on the tablet of our heart, through our relationship of "Oneness with" our Guru, our relationship of "Oneness with" His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
In this way, depending on the amount of effort, and the type of effort, that we have made, when we were with the Guru on the "outside" of us, in the physical presence of the Guru, and now since His dearth, in the physical presence of His Children on the "outside" of us, learning our lessons either as "separate from" His Holiness and from His Children on the "outside" of us, or as "One with" His Holiness and His Children within us, our understanding of the life and teaching of God for our age, for the Children of God for our age, will be quite different.
So my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, each of us must experience the life and teaching of God for our age for ourselves, and not just rely on the experience of others, each must accept what has come from God in our age, for the Children of God for our age, as coming to us directly from God, both within us, as what God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of us even before we were born, and as "outside" of us, as the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and of His Children.
And then treat it accordingly, according to our Iman, our absolute faith, certitude and determination that God alone exists, and according to our acceptance of the heart that God is One, and according to the wisdom that we have grown within us, through the grace of God for our age, which is His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and His Children, and according to the secrets of God's Creation that our wisdom, soul, and grace, have uncovered within us.
My dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, may we both make this journey into the life and teaching of God for our age, that God has placed within us, before we even came here, and into the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and of His Children, that God has also place on the "outside" of us for this age.
May we both make this journey of allowing God to take our life back into the Oneness of God and True Man within us, using in the process what God has already placed both within us and "outside" of us in the world, using what God has placed "outside" of us, which is the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and of His Children, accepting it as the finger of God pointing to what God has also placed within us, so we don't miss the life and teaching of God for our age.
So we don't try to make what God has given us in earlier ages as sufficient for our age, so we don't make this mistake, so we don't try to make what God has given us in the age of Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad (may God be pleased with all of His Prophets), over the last 4,000 years, and in the age of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), over 1000 years ago, as sufficient for today, for our age.
But instead, may we all realize, understand, and accept that God has also directly given us what we need in our age, which is very different from all previous ages, and that God has placed this life and teaching of God for our age for the Children of God for our age both within us and "outside" of us, and that what God placed "outside" of us for our age, pointing to what God placed "inside" of us for our age, is the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and of His Children.
And in this way, may we all stop trying to make what came before from God, to other earlier ages, sufficient for our age, even though this age is like none before it, instead of at least investigating the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of His Children, as truly the gift of God for our age.
And may we both begin to realize, understand, and accept, what the world "outside" of us really is, in this way, transforming our life in the world "outside" of us into the stage of drama upon which we must learn our lessons, not as something that is of value unto itself, not as a battle of birth over death, or love over hate, or goodness over falsehood, that we can win, not as something that we can then use to be victorious in the next world, like "working for wages to get into heaven"
Instead transforming it, transforming our "outside" into something of great value, not by acting on that stage "outside" of us, not by trying to win the drama that is daily played out on that stage "outside' of us, but rather by watching the drama played out on that stage by all of our brothers and sisters, and learning from it, and having learned our lessons, leave the "outside" of us forever, before we die.
But rather by watching the drama played out on the stage "outside" of us by all of our brothers and sisters who won't leave the stage, and are determined to win the drama, by all of our brother and sisters who won't join with us to leave the stage of drama, who won't willingly get off of that stage, who end up dying on that stage not having learned their lessons, not being able to leave here successfully, not having passed their tests before they die, not learning to watch the drama from the perspective of God's knee, and wisdom's explanations, so they can understand "what they do not know", and "who they already are", and then leaving here before they die, learning to truly do duty "here" from "there", not "here" from "here".
And may we both do this by realizing that the only way to win the drama of our life is "not to play", realizing that the only way to watch the drama is to get off the stage of drama that we are currently on, by putting down our script, taking off our costume, and walking off of the state.
And having realized that God is the only one actually watching the drama, that everyone else is on the stage acting, watching themselves act, not anyone else, having realized this, and having gotten off of the state, we must then climb up on God's lap, and through watching the drama with God, let our wisdom teach us "what we do not know", and "who we already are". Only then is the drama of our life valuable.
For as His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us, that in truth,
"Everyone is sitting on God's lap, whether they like it or not, and God is conducting our life, not us, God is showing us what we need to see on the stage of drama that He placed before us, whether we think we are acting on the stage before us or not, as our wisdom teaches us what we do not know."
The only question left is, do we put down the idea of ourselves as "separate from" God, do we put down the idea of us on the stage, trying to win the drama of our life through our arrogance, karma, and illusion, or do we accept God as our creator, as our protector, as our redeemer, and place our trust and love in Him, settling comfortable into God's lap through our Iman, our absolute faith, certitude, and determination that God alone exists, and let our wisdom teach us "what we do not know", letting God finish what He has started within us, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, by first letting God within us finish revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us, so True Man can finish revealing God within the Creation of True man within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God and True Man within us.
Or do we instead go to hell, do we instead let the drama of our "self existence" as "separate from God, as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, that we see in our collective ignorance as existing "outside" of us, go on until we die, go to until we are embraced by the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him), having earned for all of "our" effort the suffering of the grave, Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment), and an eternal life of "separation from" God, and 105 million rebirths, ending as a worm in hell with only one level of consciousness. The choice is ours.
My dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, may we both make the right choice, and choose "Oneness with" God, not "separation from" God, not "separation from" each other, and not "separation from" the Creation of God, that God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of us, as His School of Contrast, even before we were born, so we could understand through this contrast of "who we are" and "who we aren't", so we could understand this contrast "who we already are", and having learned what we came here to learn, return to the Oneness of God and True Man within us, from which we have come, like the rain falling back into the ocean, again becoming the ocean, having completed its duty, no longer existing "separate from" the ocean.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen . Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
So be it, So be it, O Ruler of the Universes. So be it, So be it, O Most Merciful One. So be it, So be it, O Most Compassionate One. All praise and praising be to God and to God alone. Only God is Great. 2-2. The Tree From The East That Fell Into The West - giving us in the East an opportunity like none other in our age, to sit at the feet of the life and teaching of God for our age, and if we like, to become the fruit of that Tree, for the benefit of everyone living in both the East and the West
In 1971 a holy man named Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) came to America, specifically to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from the island of Ceylon, which is now called Sri Lanka, at the invitation of several students of God, who had heard and learned about the life and teaching of His Holiness from their college professor, who was a disciple of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) when he lived in Ceylon before coming to America.
(Note: the name "Bawa" means Father, and the name "Muhaiyaddeen" is literally translated to mean, "The giver of life back to true belief in God")
This chain of events led to Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) living for 15 years in America, with His main residence at 5820 Overbrook Avenue, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, returning periodically during that time to Ceylon to attend to His Children there.
His Holiness called all of us His Children, no matter what our age, until His death in America on December 8th, 1986. His Holiness was buried in a small farming community, near the town of Coatesville, Pennsylvania, which is located about an hours drive from Philadelphia, where His Children lovingly built a small Mazar or Shrine over His grave site, which is the tradition in the East for holy men such as His Holiness.
This Shrine of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) has become over the years a place of pilgrimage for people of all religions, as people of all religions, including the Jewish, Christian, Islamic, and Hindu religions, were dedicated disciples of His Holiness when He was living with us in the world, teaching us about the true nature of God and of us, which is Oneness, teaching us that in truth God is One and so are we, and that the big battle within all of the religions of the world and within man, is moving from our "separation and differences" back into our Oneness. 2-3. Time Is Running Out For All of Us - either we choose "Oneness with" God before we die, or the choice is made for us after we die, by what we have in our ignorance become in the world that we see "outside" of us, we get "separation from" God for eternity
And we must do all of this before we die, because after we die it is too late. After we die we just get the house that we have build before we died, we just get the harvest of the crop we planted, tended, and brought to maturity within us while we were living on the earth, whether it be heaven or hell or God.
So if we don't build heaven within us before we die, and then become One with God within that heaven within us, also before we die, we will never reach God within us after we die, if we don't close down the world of hell, the world of jinns, and the world of fairies within us, and then, having closed down these three worlds within us, the three worlds that we have opened within us in our ignorance, the three worlds that keep us "separate from" God, "separate from" each other, and "separated from" the Creation of God within us, the three worlds that keep us living with our brothers and sisters in the world that we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, if we don't join with God to do this before we die, we will never reach God after we die.
But if we do this divine work within us before we die, if we join with God within us to do this work within us, then, having closed down these three worlds within us in partnership with God within us, having become "One with" God again, and "One with" each other again, and "One with" the Creation of God again, then we must re-open the world of souls within us, the world of purity within us, in order to pray and merge with God within us, we must re-open the world of souls within us which is where we were before coming to this earth world.
In this way, having discarded our physical body, which is the School of Contrasts that God has given us for our journey, so by looking at this contrast through our wisdom we can come to understand "who we already are", we can differentiate ourselves into the 7 heavens and the 7 hells, with the earth world positioned between these 14 realms within us, the earth world which is where we current are, and having re-opened the world of souls within us, that allows our soul to merge with the body of the soul, which is the light of our wisdom within us, the light placed on our forehead of Adam (peace be upon Him) within us even before we were born, the light known in the Islamic tradition as the Nur Muhammad.
Then we must merge with the Prophets of God within us, and then with Allah within us. In this way, becoming One with God within us, becoming the "Oneness of God and True Man within us", as His Holiness teaches us, in the beautiful Kalimah Song sung to us by His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on April 26, 1972, which is the day His Holiness told us was, "The 1 good day in a 100 years",
------- beginning of excerpt from Song by Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) -------
"He alone may worship Him. No one else can do this.
You cannot worship with the body. It is the Life and Wisdom united with each other, in a state of propriety mingled with the Nur (light of wisdom), and in the concentration of that Light, that One must worship. The One has to worship the One who Is.
That state of worship will become Him and That will be understood as That. It is this state that is deathless for which there is no rebirth.
In that state the Word and the Worship become Him, and the Continuous light and the Wisdom and Nur become Him. That will become the Resplendent Rahman (The Merciful One) in this world and the next. Other than This there is no other way to be the Ruler over here and there.
My dear brother and my children, if within your concentration with meaning, you can say this concentratedly, that is enough, that is enough. The physical body will be separated. In the inner section the Luminous Wisdom will shine, when you stand in the path of Wisdom and recite this meaning with Love.
If you steady the Ill-Allahu (You are Allah), after that there is nothing else. There is no birth, death, or destruction, there is no rebirth after that. This meaning that exists without anything else, you have to recite it and obtain determination.
My children, surrendering at the feet of the Guru, knowing the word of the heart of the Guru, knowing with your wisdom and understanding with your obedience. Finding complete conviction, enter within and say the Kalimah, Ill-Allahu.
(Note: the Kalimah is defined in the Glossary as "The Affirmation of faith. La ilaha illa Allah: There is nothing other than You, O God. Only You are Allah". It is the principle prayer or focus or concept within Islam. See Glossary of Terms for more on the Kalimah. Also, see Chapter 25, page 85, in the book, The Pearl of Wisdom, for more on the Kalimah or Dhikr, where His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen [Ral.) teaches us the inner meaning of the Kalimah, of Ill Allahu, of "Steadying Him within", of "Making Him stay in our heart":
"You are Allah, There is nothing other than You. Without You there is no other help because I do not exist. You are with me. Be inside my heart. Do not be separated from me")
Say, Ill-Allahu, and then say, Ill-Allahu. Recite La-Illaha (there is nothing other than You) and then recite Ill-Allahu, and hold steady the Ill-Allahu.
Do not just say it in words, dare to understand it with wisdom and faith, faith in the way in which you can hold the meaning that is beyond the boundaries of the two worlds.
Hold steady the Ill-Allahu and become it. Hold it within the Qalb (heart) and become it.
Say La-Illaha and overcome. Say La-Illaha and discard. Say Ill-Allahu and steady Him within. Say Ill-Allahu and steady Him within. Say it without saying and stand there.
With your ruh (soul) and with your Wisdom, vibrate and face Them, vibrate and face Them. Hold steady Ill-Allahu.
That is the explanation in that Light. That is the Light. That is the explanation. That is the death of the world. That is the reality of the One Allahu. That is the reality.
If the children take the meaning of this state and recite it, if that Divine Word is said without saying, the state will become the state of personal worship of God. Recite in Truth on this path.
That is the Perfection. That is the Perfection and the Word of the Shaikh, the language of your leader Allah. The form within which the ruh (soul) and the Light stand in unison. In Truth the Grace which stands in the form of Light.
That Grace is the Resonance of Allah, and the Resonance is Allah, and you will be within it. Al-hamdulillah, Rabil alamin (All praise be to God, O Ruler of the Universes).
Know that this is the beauty of the form and recite it like that. Al-hamdulillah, Rabil alamin. "
------- end of excerpt from Song by Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) -------
(Note: His Holiness teaches us that the world of hell within us is the world of satan, who is the original deceiver, the degenerate one, the discarded one, who originally separated man from God, and the world of jinns within us, which are beings of fire within us, that can make us see anything we desire in the world, but once we employ them, if we don't keep them busy, they will kill us, and the world of fairies within us, which are beautiful beings of illusion within us, who can take on any form they wish, like becoming a beautiful maiden, and once we become fascinated by them, deceive us through our fascination, causing us to pine away for our beloved until we die) 2-4. We Must Stop Acting Like We Are "Separate From" God - when in truth we are within God, and God is within us, when in truth we are "One with" God, and God is "One with" us, when in truth all of our brothers and sisters, and all of the Creation of God are within us, not outside of us, as our mind and desire falsely shows them to be, causing us to treat other people in our ignorance as if they are "separate from" our own life, and to treat other groups, and other nations as if they are "separate from" our groups, and our nation, which is false, which in truth is our hell, which in truth is the world of "separation and differences" that has grown in our ignorance within us, that we see in our collective ignorance as existing "outside" of us. Such is our karma, our fate, and our destiny, in this world and the next, unless God intervenes, and He will if we but properly ask Him
In this way, if we don't establish a direct loving relationship of "Oneness with" God within us, and through that, of "Oneness with" our brothers and sisters, both within and "outside" of us, who are all really within us, and through that, of "Oneness with" the Creation of God within us, that God has secretly hidden within us, before we were born, and to do all of this before we die, if we fail to do this, before we die, then the world of hell within us will be our home for eternity, the temporary world that we currently see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, becomes our eternal world, after our death, a hell where we will be "separate from" God, and "separate from" each other, and "separate from" the Creation of God for eternity.
In this way, if we don't learn to become One with all of the stuff "Made-by-God" within us, before we die, if we don't build a loving relationship with all of this "Stuff of God" within us, before we die, that God has lovingly and patiently placed within each of us even before we were born and came to this world, then as the default, after we die, we get for eternity all of the stuff "made-by-man" on the "outside" of us, we get all of our stubborn relationships for eternity, all of our relationships "outside" of us that keep us "separate from" God, "separate from" each other, and "separate from" the Creation of God within us, for "stubbornness" is the true opposite of love.
We get to keep for eternity all of our competitive relationships, our adversarial relationships, our create-destroy relationships, our love-hate relationships, our good-evil relationships, all of our relationships of "separation and differences" that we have build with all of our brothers and sisters, since the age of two, since we forgot about God and fell into many a trap.
For as His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us on page 6, as the first sentence in the Forward to the beautiful book of wisdom,
"Man appearing on this earth, forgets God and falls into many a trap. He does not know to seek himself, although God exists within man."
In this beautiful book His Holiness goes on to tell us that this book, The Pearl of Wisdom, is provided to explain this concept in detail, to explain the concept called Tawhid in detail.
(Note: what His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) presents and describes in the book, The Pearl of Wisdom, this concept of the Oneness of God and True Man, and through that, of the Oneness of man and man, and through that, the Oneness of man and the Creation of God, is called Tawhid in Islam, and is defined by His Holiness as "The affirmation of the Unity of Allah") 2-5. We Must Stop Acting Like We Are "Separate From" Each Other - when in truth we all have the same original mother and father, which was Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them), and we have no natural enemies, and the only thing that keeps us separate from each other are our animal qualities of "separation and differences", but which will all naturally disappear from within us, when we again remember God, before doing or saying anything, when we try to strengthen our faith and trust in God, in each thing that God puts before us, and when we join with God within us to develop His 3000 gracious qualities, and His 99 wilayats or attributes or powers
Such is our true relationship with God within us, and with each other both within and "outside" of us, and with the Creation of God within us, when we become One with the stuff "Made-by-God" within us, which naturally occur within us if we will but trust and love in God within us, and only in God within us.
And in this way, if we will but put down what we currently carrying, if we will but put down our trust and love in the world, in the world that we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, which is our relationships with all of the stuff "made-by-man" on the outside of us, which are the relationships of hell that we have build in our ignorance while living on the earth world, and after we die, which are then all given to us by God for eternity, all within the "justice of God".
So when we die, instead of living in heaven within us for eternity, in the state of "Oneness with" God within us for eternity, and in the state of "Oneness with" everything that God is "One with" within us, for eternity, within the heaven that we joined in partnership with God within us to built within us, before we died, while living in the world, within that heaven where we have joined in partnership with God within us to open up our "Oneness with" God within us, before we died, while living in the world, within that heaven where we have joined with God within us to establish relationships of "Oneness with" all of the stuff "Made-by-God" within us, before we died, while living in the world.
So when we die, instead of this, we get hell for eternity, and within that hell we get all of the relationships of "separation and differences" that we have established in the world "outside" of us, before we died, while living in the world, for eternity, all of our relationships of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within us, for eternity, with all of this being given to us by God within the "justice of God".
When we die we get the given or default place and life for eternity, we get to stay for eternity in the hell that we have all naturally grown within us as part of being born and growing up on the earth in ignorance of ourselves, in ignorance of "Who we are", and of "Who God is", and of the true relationship between God and man, and of man and man, which is Oneness.
This is sort of like getting the given or default of the earth, which are weeds, and the harvest of the weeds, which are "weed seeds", that naturally grown on the earth, and are harvested from the earth, without us or anyone else having to do anything to grow them and harvest them.
In this way, unless we awaken to the "reality of ourselves" before we die, which is God within us and "us" within God, which is our relationship of "Oneness with" God within us, and of God's relationship of "Oneness with" us within us, and through this, our relationship of "Oneness with" each other, and of "Oneness with" the Creation of God within us, unless we awaken to this "reality of ourselves" before we die, then when we die, we get the opposite, we get the "falsehood of ourselves", we get an eternal life of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within us. 2-6. Why Does An Apple Seed Germinate? - because it becomes aware that it is an apple seed, that it is buried within the earth, and the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to grow, and then the earth becomes aware that the apple seed is now aware that it is an apple seed, that it is buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to grow, and then, out of that mutual awareness, the apple seed surrenders to the earth and the earth surrenders to the apple seed, and that is why an apple seed germinates, because of awareness, not because of the 5 elements, not because of earth, fire, water, air, and ether, as science tells us
Which is like what happens to an apple seed buried within the earth, where either it germinates and reveals the apple tree hidden within it, and all of the stuff of the apple tree, and all of the relationships within it between the stuff of the apple tree, between the stuff of the tree "Made-by-God", like between the earth, the roots, the trunk, the sap, the branches, the leaves, the sun, the air, the water, the fire or heat, the flowers, the honey bee, the fruit, the sweet taste of the fruit, and again the apple seed within the fruit.
Or it fails to germinate, and instead is stuck forever with the earth, and with its elemental relationships, with its relationships with the elements within the earth and within itself, its relationship with the earth, fire, air, water, and ether (colors), eventually rotting in the earth and being absorbed back into each of the elements that make up its physical form, forever breaking its relationship with the apple tree and the apple fruit, that it came to the earth, to join with the earth, to tell.
Forever breaking the relationship of Oneness that exists between the apple seed and the earth, the apple tree, the sun, air, water, and the apple fruit and the apple seed, the relationship "that in truth they are all one".
For as His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us, life is all about, the world is all about, we are all about, God is all about, the relationship of Oneness.
Where each part is really the whole, which we see clearly with the apple seed which at the same time is part of the fruit but when buried within the earth, it is all of the apple tree, and at the same time, the whole becomes each part, where the apple tree is all of it, but then becomes part of it, but then becomes many, many apple flowers, and many, many mature fruit, with many, many apple seeds, where what we see as stationary is always moving, is always becoming what is within it, and is always hiding itself in what is being revealed, only to be revealed again later in the next cycle of what is going on.
For as His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us, the cycle of everything, the movement and stillness of everything, is really just a finger pointing to the cycle of God, to the movement and stillness of God,
"One within the other as One, one revealing the other within it, one hiding itself within the other as the other is revealed, only to be revealed again, later in the next cycle."
Such is the cycle and relationship of the apple seed, the apple tree, and the apple fruit, and such is the true cycle and relationship of the "Seed of God" or our soul, the "Tree of God" or True Man, and the "Fruit of God" or the taste of God, and as such, they are One, we are One, God and man are One, and within this reality, man and man are One, and within this reality, man and the Creation of God are One. 2-7. What Has Incredible Movement So It Can Stand Perfectly Still?
One day in the "room", which is what we affectionately called the place where His Holiness lived in Philadelphia, where He spent most of His time while living in America, until He died, because most of the time He was very ill, and bedridden, though He told us He was not really sick, that instead, what we saw as His sickness was but Him taking on our illnesses, not His own, in order to cure us, by handing them to God, by joining in partnership with God within us, to get God to take on our illness as His own, and in this way, to get God to cure Himself of us, in the process revealing "God within us".
One day in the "room", His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) asked us a riddle,
"What has incredible movement so it can stand perfectly still?"
None of us had a clue, and after a while His Holiness said,
"A humming bird. It has incredible movement so it can stand perfectly still before the flower and draw its nourishment from the flower."
"And like this, God has incredible movement outside so He can stand perfectly still inside, and draw His nourishment, which is His divine knowledge or 'ilm from His Creation."
So what we call man is that aspect of God that is both going into movement from stillness, what we call the fall of Adam (peace be upon Him), or the fall of each of us, and going into stillness from movement, what we call the awakening of man to his own reality, what we call the recovery of Adam (peace be upon Him) from His fall. And what we call God is that aspect of God that is perfectly still, both nourishing and drawing His nourishment from His Creation.
But all of it is One, all of it is the "Oneness of God and True Man", like the apple tree and the apple are the movement of the tree while the apple seed is the stillness of the tree, but all of them, the apple seed, the apple tree, and the apple, are One.
And we get to that state of the stillness of God, we go in that direction in our life, from our movement to our stillness, by placing our faith and trust in that stillness that is God within us, in what is perfectly still within us but is also "us" within us, instead of in what is moving within us, or "outside" of us, and by joining with that stillness that is God within us to becoming "One with" each other, both "outside" and within us, and through this, to become "One with" the Creation of God within us, in order to nourish and to draw our nourishment, like the humming bird "outside" of us, and like God within us, from the Creation of God within us.
In this way, unless we learn to become One with the "reality of ourselves" for eternity by drawing on God within us, before we die, we get the "falsehood of ourselves" for eternity, unless we learn to use God within us to get to "us" within God and God within "us" for eternity, before we die, we get "separation and differences" for eternity.
Unless we learn how to draw on the "Stuff of God" within us, on the stuff "Made-by-God" within us, like the grace, the wisdom, and the divine knowledge of God within us, becoming "True Man" within us, and us within "True Man" for eternity, before we die, we get "false man" within us and "us" within "false man" for eternity, we get the results of having drawn on the "stuff of man", on the stuff "made-by-man" on the "outside" of us, while we lived our life in the world.
Unless we become like the farmer plowing under all of the weeds in his field and planting good seeds, which he then carefully tends, and finally harvests, producing a good crop, when the growing season is over, which he can then share for the benefit of all, instead of this, if we do nothing with what God has given us, with the "Stuff of God" within us, with the stuff "Made-by-God" within us, if instead we waste our time living "outside" of us, building relationships of "separation and differences", relationships with all the "stuff of man", with the stuff "made-by-man" on the "outside" of us.
Then when we die, we get to keep only the harvest of the weeds, which are of little value, which are "weed seeds" that nobody wants, we get to keep for eternity all of the relationships of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within us, that we in our ignorance have planted, tended, and brought to maturity in our life time.
All of which is the birth right, the heritage, of the animal within man, not of God or of True Man within us, that naturally grow within us in our ignorance as the weeds of sin, through no effort on our part, that naturally grown within us through the 400 trillion, 10,000 spiritual energies within the earth within us, making us destined to never see heaven, and never to become One with God within heaven within us, never to build a relationship with any of the "Stuff of God" within us, that God has lovingly and personally hidden within each of us, within each of His Children for this age, which is all of us living in this age, if we truly want it. 2-8. What Lies Ahead of Us, After We Die - is what is currently in front of us, before we die, because the house we build is the house we get, the crop we sow is the harvest we will reap, because "The justice of God is that whatever we intend is what we will receive". In this way, our own life answers the question, "What do we want?", because what we end up with, before we die, is what we truly want after we die, not what we may say we want, and is what we then get for eternity, through the justice of God, for in each moment of our life before we die, we are talking to God, we are telling God what we want for eternity, by what we focus on, support, join, intend, learn about, spend time with, believe in, love, and trust, at each moment during our day, our week, our month, our year, at each moment of our life, before we die. Such is the justice of God and the absolute perfection of His Judgment
Such is what lies ahead for each of us, Mr. President, an eternal life of "separation from" God, if we don't correct our ways, if we don't start to trust and love only in God, if we don't put down our trust and love for the world "outside" of us, if we don't put down all of our relationships of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, and instead place our faith and trust in God within us, and in God alone.
And then join in partnership with God within us to build a loving and trusting relationship of "Oneness with" God within us, and with all of the "Stuff of God" within us, like with the 124,000 Prophets, and heavenly beings, and lights of God within us, including the 8 main Prophets of God within us, which we call Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad (may God be pleased with all of His Prophets, including Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), who came into the world 1000 years ago bringing the gift of the "Justice of Man" into the world that became what we now call freedom, or democracy, rule of law, free speech, free press.
Including the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), both within us and "outside" of us, who came into the world in our age, and lived with us for 100 years from 1886 to 1986, and now of His Children, bringing the gift of the "Justice of Conscience" into the world, which if we will but let it, is the completion of what came before, of the "Justice of Man", which is capable of dealing with the "Injustice of Man" that now surrounds the "Justice of Man", and is threatening to destroy it, to destroy what had come before from God.
And through our relationship of "Oneness with" all of this "Stuff of God", both within us and on the "outside" of us, may we join with God within us to build a loving and trusting relationship of "Oneness with" each other, and of "Oneness with" the Creation of God within us.
Such is what lies ahead for each of us, my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush. That is for sure. And the choice is ours. May we both think about this a little. It is very, very important. 2-9. The Main Point of This Letter - is that what is needed to truly win the war on terrorism, within ourselves and within those around us, is our love and faith and trust in God, and only in God, and through this, our direct relationship with God within us, a loving relationship of Oneness with God within us, which starts when we truly understand what this means
And this is the main point of my letter to you, my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, that this is what is needed to truly win the war on terrorism, within ourselves and within those around us, our love and faith and trust in God, and only in God, and through this, our direct relationship with God within us, a loving relationship of Oneness with God within us, which starts when we truly understand what this means.
And having realized the truth of ourselves that naturally emerges from within us, when we are ready, when we are spiritually mature, when we realize, understand, accept, and join with the truth of us, and truly agree with it, truly surrender to it as the will of God in our life, and then join with God within us to make it happen, both within ourselves and in all lives around us, when we join with God within us, and with all of the "Stuff of God" within us, with all of the stuff "Made-by-God" within us, and having come to this point in our life, we step out to build this loving relationship of Oneness with each of our brothers and sisters living in this world, without exception.
This is the secret weapon that you have at your disposal, Mr. President, if you wish to use it, the life and teaching of God for our age, for the Children of God for our age, which is all of us living in this age, if we but truly want it, which God has placed within each of us even before we were born, and that God has now placed "outside" of us, as but a finger putting to what He has already placed within us, which is the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
A beautiful teaching that both envelops and transcends all of the great religions of the world without conflict, without competition, without someone winning and someone else losing, without building upon our current relationships of "separation and differences", but instead builds within us a direct relationship with God, a relationship of "Oneness with" God, and through this, a relationship of "Oneness with" each other, and through this, a relationship of "Oneness with" the Creation of God within us.
Allowing us to correctly move on with our life, and to correctly move on with our country, and allowing others to do the same, without interference from us, or from any other country, if that be our true intention, allowing us to put down once and for all our need to "dominate" the world and bend it to our will, allowing us to treat all lives and countries as our own, as the One World Community, allowing us to put down once and for all, all of the "separation and differences" that seems to be so inherent in each of the great religions of the world, within each of the sovereign countries of the world, and within each of our individual lives.
Such is the state of the world today, the state of "separation and differences", my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, as reflected in the main religions of the world, like in Judaism, Islam, Christianity, or Hinduism, and as reflected in the main areas of the world, and in the main sovereign nations of the world.
For example, as reflected in North and South America, and in sovereign nations like in America, Canada, Mexico, or Brazil, and in the European Nations, like in Britain, Germany, or France, and in the West Asian or Middle Eastern Countries, like in Egypt, Syria, Israel, Jordan, or Saudi Arabia, and in the South Asian Countries, like in India, Pakistan, or Sri Lanka, and in the Far Eastern Countries, like in Indonesia, Malaysia, North and South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, or China, as well as in all of the other areas and countries in the world.
The problem is that we all want the same thing from a world that is growing smaller and smaller, as our populations and consumption and science and appetites grow larger and larger.
In this way, it seems we are all the same, when it comes to wanting our own sovereignty and also wanting influence over the other countries in our neighborhood, which is becoming more and more evident and pervasive in the 21st Century with the explosive number of sovereign countries in the world, and the pressure we are starting to place on each other, and on the world, especially in the case of the most powerful countries in the world like America, Russia, China, and the United Countries of the World, like a United Europe, or the Middle East, or the Far East.
All of them requiring and demanding greater influence over the rest of the world, all competing for the same limited resources, and all of them wanting to obtain and use, either overtly or covertly, the necessary strength to make their influence felt, whether it be through economic means like trade agreements and now Globalization (World Book: the trend toward increased economic, cultural, and social connectedness between individuals, businesses, and public), or wars like in Iraq and Afghanistan, or the threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction, like in North Korea and Iran, or even the possible use of existing Weapons of Mass Destruction, like in India and Pakistan.
Where is it to end, my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush? Will we become like the lemmings who every 7 years overpopulate to the point where they grow a little crazy and self-destruct by running off the cliff, or will we turn to God, will we turn to the "Stuff of God" within us, to the grace, and wisdom, and knowledge of God within us, to help us overcome the demons within our very own hearts who are tricking us into destroying each other on the "outside" of us, before we can reach God within us, eventually destroying the entire world "outside" of us through what we call science.
For as His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us,
"The end result of science is destruction".
Which is the natural outcome of putting more and more power, that can be used quicker and quicker, in the hands of children, in the hands of children who at times are very arrogant, selfish, and nasty children, in the hands of children who have not first grown up to the reality of the toys that they are playing with, and the consequence of actually using them against another child, and how irreversible some of their actions may be.
Such is the case when any person, any leader, or any sovereign nation, when it acts in ignorance of its current state of spiritual development, and when it fails to understand the true source of power within themselves and through its people, in the world, which is God not man.
Such is the case when any person, leader, or nation, becomes arrogant about his ignorance, thinking that he or she has the inside track on something, and everyone else is a little off, to say the least, which is naturally the case for any of us, and for any leader, and for any sovereign nation, when we have forgotten about God, the only true power in the world, and the "Stuff of God" within us, the only true direction and clarity in the world, and through our arrogance, karma, and illusion, which is what His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) calls "The Triple Dirt", we finally unleash through our science something that we cannot control, like a truly deadly virus, which will kill everyone living in the world.
This is what His Holiness teaches us is happening in the world today, my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, the demons within our very own heart are tricking us from within us, by making us see what is happening within us as occurring "outside" of us, by making us see the other guy or girl, the other group, or the other country "outside" of us as the enemy, as the enemy to our way of life, to our values, as the main problem that is facing our life, our group, or our country, a problem that must be solved through our might and our right, by our correctness, our cleverness, our courage, and our superiority.
In this way, always distracting us from looking at ourselves, from looking at "who we really are" within us, from looking at "who we have become" within us through our ignorance, and "who we have become" within us through our arrogance about our ignorance, never realizing that we are in truth always looking at everything through our ignorance, not as it really is, always looking at everything as existing "outside" of us, rather than looking through our wisdom, rather than seeing everything as existing "within us".
For example, His Holiness one day told us,
"You will not see anything in another person that you don't already have within yourself."
"Until wisdom dawns within you, all that you see in the world is but a reflection of yourself, of your own state of consciousness, of the condition of your own heart, of what illnesses of spirit you currently have."
After wisdom dawns within you, then when you look at someone in the world you will see their heart, and understand the current state of their life, and what they truly need, immediately handing all of this understanding and insight to God within you, rather than acting on it, and joining in partnership with God within you to complete His intention, making yourself available to God, as His slave, allowing God as the "slave of the slave" to help in each situation that you place in front of Him in this way.
In this way, realizing that in truth we never see anything as it really is, we never see what is growing within us, we never see what we are constantly nourishing within us through our illusory life "outside" of us, with our life of sin outside of us, with our life of "separation and differences" outside of us, which in truth are the weeds of the earth, which in truth are the lives of darkness within us, the lives of darkness within us that are literally destroying us as we speak, the lives of darkness within us that are reflected "outside" of us as lives of "separation and differences", as the lives of our brothers and sisters, of our wives and children, as our family, our groups, our races and religions, and our country, lives "outside" of us that are "separate from" God, "separate from" each other, and "separate from" the Creation of God within us.
Until wisdom dawns within us we never see anything as it really is, and as such, we are very dangerous to the lives around us, because in our ignorance, and because of our arrogance about our ignorance, we fail to realize this truth about ourselves, and understand our current state, and fail to act wisely, making things worse in our own life and in the lives around us.
As a result, we must always be very careful when we have dealings in the world, my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush. And we must seek out wise council until we truly come to maturity, until we transform our qualities from Animal-Man/Man-Animal into Man-God/God-Man. Only then will we, and those around us, be truly safe.
May we both reflect on these beautiful words of wisdom, from the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) that is growing within the heart of your brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler). May we both reflect on them a little. It is very, very important.
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Title: "Winning The War On Terrorism" Date: November 26, 2003 Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) Written to: George W. Bush, President of the United States of America
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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
Here is a letter to President George W. Bush that shares with him some of the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) that has grown within the heart of this child, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler), and makes some suggestions to him about using this gift of God for our age to help him in his own life, and as President, to help him and his administration win the war on terrorism.
With this on-line version of the letter, of Spiritual Letter 53, we have included a copy of two recent speeches by President George W. Bush, first, "America's Actions In The War On Terrorism", a speech given on 9/9/03 to America, and second, "A Call For The U.N. To Help In Iraq", a speech given on 9/24/03 at the U.N. In addition, we have included an Outline for each speech by the President, and for the second speech we have also included a Summary of his speech at the U.N.
You can access a copy of each speech by clicking HERE, for the first speech, and HERE for the second speech, or above, or at the top of the page for either speech. Thank you.
Also, we have provided a Summary of This Letter to the President, which you can access by clicking HERE, above, or at the top of this page.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
Outline of Spiritual Letter: Page 1 of 3 - the page you are now reading learned it as "separate from" or as "One with" the Guru, and what did we do with our learning, did we store what we learned in our mind and desire, or write it on the tablet of our heart, allowing the Guru to read the tablet and advise us further opportunity like none other in our age, to sit at the feet of the life and teaching of God for our age, and if we like, to become the fruit of that Tree, for the benefit of everyone living in both the East and the West now, before we die, or when we die the choice is made for us, by what we have in our ignorance and arrogance become in the world, in the world that we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, we have become "separate from" God, and when we die, then we get "separation from" God for eternity within God, and God is within us, when in truth we are "One with" God, and God is "One with" us, when in truth all of our brothers and sisters, and all of the Creation of God are within us, not outside of us we are all One, we all have the same original mother and father, which was Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them), and we have no natural enemies, and the only thing that keeps us separate from each other are our animal qualities of "separation and differences" that have grown within us in our ignorance apple seed, that it is buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to grow we die, because the house we build is the house we get, the crop we sow is the harvest we will reap, because "The justice of God is that whatever we intend is what we will receive". In this way, our own life answers the question, "What do we want?", because what we end up with, before we die, is what we truly want after we die, not what we may say we want, and is what we then get for eternity, through the justice of God, for in each moment of our life before we die, we are talking to God, we are telling God what we want for eternity, by what we focus on, support, join, intend, learn about, spend time with, believe in, love, and trust, at each moment during our day, our week, our month, our year, at each moment of our life, before we die. Such is the justice of God and the absolute perfection of His Judgment terrorism, within ourselves and within those around us, is our love and faith and trust in God, and only in God, and through this, our direct relationship with God within us, a loving relationship of Oneness with God within us, which starts when we truly understand what this means Page 2 of 3 - click HERE to go to Page 2
3-0. The Wealth of Our Age - needs to be applied to the problems of our age 4-0. A Little Bit About Louie Beutler - who is probably a lot like you, Mr. President 5-0. Suggestions From The Heart - which in truth is where we all live as One 5-1. Recognize & Believe That There Is A Real Answer To Terrorism - and that answer is God, that answer is the power or grace of God in each of our lives 5-2. Make The "Road Map" Their Problem, Not Your Problem - but make "them", make the Israelis and the Palestinians your problem 5-3. Fix The U.N., Fix What Was Not Right From The Start - by realizing and accepting that a strong U.N., united under God, is really what is needed in the world today 5-4. Specific Recommendations For Changing The U.N. - make the U.N. a powerful democratic model for the world, as one nation, one united world under God Page 3 of 3 - click HERE to go to Page 3
5-5. Take A New Look At The U.N. - and perhaps develop an entirely new part of the U.N., whose focus is mainly on the citizens of the world, forming perhaps a United World Community, a New Virtual Nation for all of the citizens of the world 5-6. Let Democracy Evolve In America - by seriously taking into account direct citizen participation at all levels of government in America, developing the fifth co-equal branch of Government; Executive, Legislative, Judicial, Free-Press, and "The Justice of Conscience" 5-7. The Enemy Within - is the real terrorist, who we must join with God within us to defeat. Only then will we truly bring peace to the world 6-0. Closing Prayer & Comments - forgive me the wrong and accept the good. So I request
Text of Spiritual Letter: - Page 1 1. Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 53
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
We have carefully listened to and studied the speeches that you gave to us on September 9th, 2003, a speech to the American people concerning America's actions in the War On Terrorism, and the speech on September 24th, 2003, at the U.N., asking the U.N. to help in Iraq, and find both of them very inspiring and clear, and I am moved by my wisdom, my heart, and my conscience to write this letter to you, to thank you for your courage and leadership in this difficult time in the world, when so many traditional values and beliefs of America and of the whole world are being challenged and attacked by some people and groups in the world today.
(Note: we have included a copy of the two speeches recently given by President George W. Bush as part of this on-line version of Spiritual Letter 53, which you can access by clicking HERE for speech 1, which was given on 9/9/03 to America, or HERE for speech 2, which was given on 9/24/03 at the U.N., or at the top of the page)
My dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, this is certainly a critical time, a milestone time, for everyone living in the world today, especially for the leaders of the world, in trying to successfully navigate each of their countries, their "ships of state", through the dangerous waters of our time, so that we can all feel content that we have, as you have so clearly said in your speech, "Accepted the duties of our generation", especially when those same duties are seen through the perspective of different races and religions, and of different economic and political realities. May God help us all.
May God help us to see all of these worldly things through the eye of wisdom, through the eye of the Oneness of God and His Creation, that God has personally and ever so lovingly placed on the forehead of Adam (peace be upon Him) within each of us, before we were even born or came into this earth world, so we can, if we like, see things as God sees them, see them as one with us, see them all as reflecting what God is doing within us, which is revealing Himself for the benefit of all of His Creation.
May God help us all develop this new way of seeing, which each of us can most certainly do, if we will but have faith and trust in God, and in God alone, and if we will but join with God within us to conduct our own life, and the lives around us, joining as "One with" Him, no longer "separate from" Him, gradually seeing the things "outside" of us as they really are, as really existing within each of us, and only existing "outside" of us as but a selfish refection of what God is doing selflessly within each of us.
In addition, we are writing this letter to share something that could be of great value to you both personally, and to your administration, in winning the war on terrorism, something that you may not know about, which is a great and wondrous treasure that through the grace of God has recently come to America, specifically to the "City of Brotherly Love", to the city that we call Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the US of A.
Something that not many people really know about, that could provide a permanent solution to the problems that we are all facing personally, in our own lives, and in the world today, so that we don't end up doing this all over again, in the next generation, if there is a next generation, as we are now forced to do it again by the previous generation's failure to get it right. 2. The Life And Teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
My dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, here is a brief overview of the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), from the perspective of this child, from the perspective of your brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler), a name that His Holiness gave to this child in 1980, when we visited His Holiness in Ceylon. 2-1. What We Learn From The Guru Depends On Many Things - for example, did we learn it as "separate from" or as "One with" the Guru, and what did we do with our learning, did we store what we learned in our mind and desire, like we do with everything else that we learn in the world "outside" of us, or did we join with our Guru to write it on the tablet of our heart, where later the Guru will come into our heart, read the tablet, and advise us further
However, as we start this sharing my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, please keep in mind that there are as many understandings of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) as their are Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
And we encourage you, Mr. President, to spend as much time as you can with the many different Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), both young and older, hearing their side of the story, before making any decision on the validity or applicability of this beautiful teaching to your own life, and as spiritual guidance of the first order to your administration in winning the war on terrorism.
And not just use the sharing of this fool as truly representative of the great depth and breath of the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), that has come into the world at this time, and as pointing to what God has personally, and every so lovingly place within you, and within each of us living in this age, Mr. President, even before we were born, in order to guide this great country, and the world through this very difficult and dangerous time.
Keeping in mind as you experience the different Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), including this child, that what one learns from a teacher like His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) depends on many things, like "who" the Child has studied with, and "what" the Child has done with what he or she has learned.
For example, what one learns depends on "what" one has done with that experience, with what they have learned at the feet of His Holiness. For example, by keeping it for themselves as a personal experience to better their own life, in this way, using it to broaden and complete their personal journey back to God, or by sharing it with their brothers and sisters, as we are currently doing Mr. President, in this way, transforming it into a public experience, into "our experience", or by giving it back to God, as His slave, realizing that their is nothing that we can do with this divine learning experience ourselves, without God's intervention, giving it to God for Him to use it as He wills, to complete what He has started within us.
In this way, making it available for God's use within us, for God to use within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, as a gift from God to God within us, with us as the witness, with us as the wisdom or consciousness within us that knows and accepts that in truth "Only God exists", and knowing this hands to God within us what God has handed to us on the "outside" of us, in order to complete what now needs to come to completion within us, before we die, if hell is to be avoided when we die.
If before we die, an eternal life of "separation from" God within us is to be replaced with an eternal life of "Oneness with" God within us, allowing God to reveal God to God within us, by first revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us, by first allowing our wisdom within us to reveal True Man to True Man within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God and of True Man within us.
Allowing our wisdom within us, which for the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) is our beloved Shaikh within us, is our beloved Father within us, is our beloved Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, to reveal True Man to True Man within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God and of True Man within us.
And what we have learned from His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) also depends on "how" we have learned it, how we have learned the gift of God for our age for the Children of God for our age, which is all of us living in this age, if we truly want it to be, leaning it either as "separate from" His Holiness, making it "our" personal learning, or learning it as "One with" His Holiness, making it "God's learning", making it the "understanding of God" for our age, that can be used to bring to completion all of the lives of incompleteness within us for this age, when we have joined in partnership with His Holiness within us to complete what His Holiness has started within us, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.
And what we have learned from His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) also depends on where we have stored it, where we have stored what we have learned, either within our mind and desire, which is where we store everything else we learn in the world "outside" of us, or within our very own heart, which is how what we learn becomes accessible to His Holiness within, and to us and to all of our brothers and sisters after we die, by joining with His Holiness to store what we have learned within our very own heart.
Otherwise all that we have learned and stored within our mind and desire is destroyed when we die, and becomes like "writing on water", where a moment after it is written it disappears, which is the actual amount of time we live in the world, only a moment, and there is no way of knowing what was written, and what was written will never be of any benefit to either us or to anyone else, after we die.
For as His Holiness teaches us in the beautiful children's book, "Come To The Secret Garden", and which is reprinted in the 1991 Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship Calendar, for the month of September,
"My grandchildren, the right path is truth, the wisdom of truth. This is not something that we can just talk about, we must bring it into action.
Talking about something is one thing, but doing it is another. You have to act upon the truth. Nothing will happen just from talking, whether the words come from you or from a man of wisdom.
In the same way that the ink from your pen sticks to a piece of paper, your actions must stick to your words. It is easy to talk about wisdom, But you have to hold on and stick to it.
Learn only that which can never be erased. Do not bother to learn anything that can be erased. That kind of learning is like writing on water. You write, but a second later, it disappears, and there is no way of knowing what was written. You will never be able to benefit from that kind of learning, and neither will anyone else.
Think about this.
What you learn must be firmly established (within you) and printed (within you) in a way that will stick. Only if you stay with the Shaikh will you be able to do this."
"Dear, Son, if you wish to differentiate between good and bad and clarify yourself, you should associate with a virtuous Guru, perform His bidding, accept His exhortations, record and preserve them in the book of your heart.
Then the Master Guru will take that tablet of the heart, read it, and advise you further. He will teach you the secret of assembling the body of man with the twenty-eight letters of grace on each spot.
He will show you how to enliven each spot, how to give life to it, how to speak tactfully, how to dismantle the body parts, and how to re-assemble them. In this state, my Son, if you lean the "magic" of dismantling the human body, and re-assembling it, you will witness the Primal One.
Dear Son, there are magical numbers to enliven each letter. Learn these numbers from the Guru. Further, this magic contains three Sacred Words.
My Son, you should eliminate earth, woman, and gold from your body. No sooner the Guru sees you in this purified state, he will instruct you in the magic of the three Sacred Words.
"Be aloof, Be hungry (for knowledge), Be alert."
If you diligently observe these three, you will have the Grace of Allah. The Guru's Secret is this. Learn this.
Once you have mastered this magic, your Guru will impart to you His Grace, the Gnaana Magic (the Divine Word)."
In this way, my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, what the disciple learns and where he stores it determines the value of his learning, both to himself and to everyone else, both now and after his death, for learning it as "separate from" the Guru makes it the learning of "separation and differences", which is not acceptable to the Guru, as praying separate from the Guru makes our prayers into prayers of "separation and differences", which is not acceptable to God.
And storing what we have learned in our mind and desire makes what we have learned susceptible to the illness of our mind and desire, like our arrogance, karma, and illusion, like storing grain improperly allows it to become infected with worms and rats, making it unusable by ourselves and anyone else.
In this way, our learning only becomes valuable if we learn it as "One with" the Guru, and if we join with Him within us to move it into our heart, and to store it, to write it, on the tablet within our very own heart,
In this way, allowing His Holiness to come to us again, but this time within us, to read the tablet within us, to explain to us further about the significance of what we had learned earlier on the "outside" of us, at the feet of the Guru, learning further about what was successfully moved earlier into our heart and permanently written on the tablet of our heart, through our relationship of "Oneness with" our Guru, our relationship of "Oneness with" His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
In this way, depending on the amount of effort, and the type of effort, that we have made, when we were with the Guru on the "outside" of us, in the physical presence of the Guru, and now since His dearth, in the physical presence of His Children on the "outside" of us, learning our lessons either as "separate from" His Holiness and from His Children on the "outside" of us, or as "One with" His Holiness and His Children within us, our understanding of the life and teaching of God for our age, for the Children of God for our age, will be quite different.
So my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, each of us must experience the life and teaching of God for our age for ourselves, and not just rely on the experience of others, each must accept what has come from God in our age, for the Children of God for our age, as coming to us directly from God, both within us, as what God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of us even before we were born, and as "outside" of us, as the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and of His Children.
And then treat it accordingly, according to our Iman, our absolute faith, certitude and determination that God alone exists, and according to our acceptance of the heart that God is One, and according to the wisdom that we have grown within us, through the grace of God for our age, which is His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and His Children, and according to the secrets of God's Creation that our wisdom, soul, and grace, have uncovered within us.
My dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, may we both make this journey into the life and teaching of God for our age, that God has placed within us, before we even came here, and into the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and of His Children, that God has also place on the "outside" of us for this age.
May we both make this journey of allowing God to take our life back into the Oneness of God and True Man within us, using in the process what God has already placed both within us and "outside" of us in the world, using what God has placed "outside" of us, which is the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and of His Children, accepting it as the finger of God pointing to what God has also placed within us, so we don't miss the life and teaching of God for our age.
So we don't try to make what God has given us in earlier ages as sufficient for our age, so we don't make this mistake, so we don't try to make what God has given us in the age of Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad (may God be pleased with all of His Prophets), over the last 4,000 years, and in the age of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), over 1000 years ago, as sufficient for today, for our age.
But instead, may we all realize, understand, and accept that God has also directly given us what we need in our age, which is very different from all previous ages, and that God has placed this life and teaching of God for our age for the Children of God for our age both within us and "outside" of us, and that what God placed "outside" of us for our age, pointing to what God placed "inside" of us for our age, is the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and of His Children.
And in this way, may we all stop trying to make what came before from God, to other earlier ages, sufficient for our age, even though this age is like none before it, instead of at least investigating the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of His Children, as truly the gift of God for our age.
And may we both begin to realize, understand, and accept, what the world "outside" of us really is, in this way, transforming our life in the world "outside" of us into the stage of drama upon which we must learn our lessons, not as something that is of value unto itself, not as a battle of birth over death, or love over hate, or goodness over falsehood, that we can win, not as something that we can then use to be victorious in the next world, like "working for wages to get into heaven"
Instead transforming it, transforming our "outside" into something of great value, not by acting on that stage "outside" of us, not by trying to win the drama that is daily played out on that stage "outside' of us, but rather by watching the drama played out on that stage by all of our brothers and sisters, and learning from it, and having learned our lessons, leave the "outside" of us forever, before we die.
But rather by watching the drama played out on the stage "outside" of us by all of our brothers and sisters who won't leave the stage, and are determined to win the drama, by all of our brother and sisters who won't join with us to leave the stage of drama, who won't willingly get off of that stage, who end up dying on that stage not having learned their lessons, not being able to leave here successfully, not having passed their tests before they die, not learning to watch the drama from the perspective of God's knee, and wisdom's explanations, so they can understand "what they do not know", and "who they already are", and then leaving here before they die, learning to truly do duty "here" from "there", not "here" from "here".
And may we both do this by realizing that the only way to win the drama of our life is "not to play", realizing that the only way to watch the drama is to get off the stage of drama that we are currently on, by putting down our script, taking off our costume, and walking off of the state.
And having realized that God is the only one actually watching the drama, that everyone else is on the stage acting, watching themselves act, not anyone else, having realized this, and having gotten off of the state, we must then climb up on God's lap, and through watching the drama with God, let our wisdom teach us "what we do not know", and "who we already are". Only then is the drama of our life valuable.
For as His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us, that in truth,
"Everyone is sitting on God's lap, whether they like it or not, and God is conducting our life, not us, God is showing us what we need to see on the stage of drama that He placed before us, whether we think we are acting on the stage before us or not, as our wisdom teaches us what we do not know."
The only question left is, do we put down the idea of ourselves as "separate from" God, do we put down the idea of us on the stage, trying to win the drama of our life through our arrogance, karma, and illusion, or do we accept God as our creator, as our protector, as our redeemer, and place our trust and love in Him, settling comfortable into God's lap through our Iman, our absolute faith, certitude, and determination that God alone exists, and let our wisdom teach us "what we do not know", letting God finish what He has started within us, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, by first letting God within us finish revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us, so True Man can finish revealing God within the Creation of True man within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God and True Man within us.
Or do we instead go to hell, do we instead let the drama of our "self existence" as "separate from God, as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, that we see in our collective ignorance as existing "outside" of us, go on until we die, go to until we are embraced by the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him), having earned for all of "our" effort the suffering of the grave, Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment), and an eternal life of "separation from" God, and 105 million rebirths, ending as a worm in hell with only one level of consciousness. The choice is ours.
My dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, may we both make the right choice, and choose "Oneness with" God, not "separation from" God, not "separation from" each other, and not "separation from" the Creation of God, that God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of us, as His School of Contrast, even before we were born, so we could understand through this contrast of "who we are" and "who we aren't", so we could understand this contrast "who we already are", and having learned what we came here to learn, return to the Oneness of God and True Man within us, from which we have come, like the rain falling back into the ocean, again becoming the ocean, having completed its duty, no longer existing "separate from" the ocean.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen . Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
So be it, So be it, O Ruler of the Universes. So be it, So be it, O Most Merciful One. So be it, So be it, O Most Compassionate One. All praise and praising be to God and to God alone. Only God is Great. 2-2. The Tree From The East That Fell Into The West - giving us in the East an opportunity like none other in our age, to sit at the feet of the life and teaching of God for our age, and if we like, to become the fruit of that Tree, for the benefit of everyone living in both the East and the West
In 1971 a holy man named Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) came to America, specifically to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from the island of Ceylon, which is now called Sri Lanka, at the invitation of several students of God, who had heard and learned about the life and teaching of His Holiness from their college professor, who was a disciple of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) when he lived in Ceylon before coming to America.
(Note: the name "Bawa" means Father, and the name "Muhaiyaddeen" is literally translated to mean, "The giver of life back to true belief in God")
This chain of events led to Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) living for 15 years in America, with His main residence at 5820 Overbrook Avenue, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, returning periodically during that time to Ceylon to attend to His Children there.
His Holiness called all of us His Children, no matter what our age, until His death in America on December 8th, 1986. His Holiness was buried in a small farming community, near the town of Coatesville, Pennsylvania, which is located about an hours drive from Philadelphia, where His Children lovingly built a small Mazar or Shrine over His grave site, which is the tradition in the East for holy men such as His Holiness.
This Shrine of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) has become over the years a place of pilgrimage for people of all religions, as people of all religions, including the Jewish, Christian, Islamic, and Hindu religions, were dedicated disciples of His Holiness when He was living with us in the world, teaching us about the true nature of God and of us, which is Oneness, teaching us that in truth God is One and so are we, and that the big battle within all of the religions of the world and within man, is moving from our "separation and differences" back into our Oneness. 2-3. Time Is Running Out For All of Us - either we choose "Oneness with" God before we die, or the choice is made for us after we die, by what we have in our ignorance become in the world that we see "outside" of us, we get "separation from" God for eternity
And we must do all of this before we die, because after we die it is too late. After we die we just get the house that we have build before we died, we just get the harvest of the crop we planted, tended, and brought to maturity within us while we were living on the earth, whether it be heaven or hell or God.
So if we don't build heaven within us before we die, and then become One with God within that heaven within us, also before we die, we will never reach God within us after we die, if we don't close down the world of hell, the world of jinns, and the world of fairies within us, and then, having closed down these three worlds within us, the three worlds that we have opened within us in our ignorance, the three worlds that keep us "separate from" God, "separate from" each other, and "separated from" the Creation of God within us, the three worlds that keep us living with our brothers and sisters in the world that we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, if we don't join with God to do this before we die, we will never reach God after we die.
But if we do this divine work within us before we die, if we join with God within us to do this work within us, then, having closed down these three worlds within us in partnership with God within us, having become "One with" God again, and "One with" each other again, and "One with" the Creation of God again, then we must re-open the world of souls within us, the world of purity within us, in order to pray and merge with God within us, we must re-open the world of souls within us which is where we were before coming to this earth world.
In this way, having discarded our physical body, which is the School of Contrasts that God has given us for our journey, so by looking at this contrast through our wisdom we can come to understand "who we already are", we can differentiate ourselves into the 7 heavens and the 7 hells, with the earth world positioned between these 14 realms within us, the earth world which is where we current are, and having re-opened the world of souls within us, that allows our soul to merge with the body of the soul, which is the light of our wisdom within us, the light placed on our forehead of Adam (peace be upon Him) within us even before we were born, the light known in the Islamic tradition as the Nur Muhammad.
Then we must merge with the Prophets of God within us, and then with Allah within us. In this way, becoming One with God within us, becoming the "Oneness of God and True Man within us", as His Holiness teaches us, in the beautiful Kalimah Song sung to us by His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on April 26, 1972, which is the day His Holiness told us was, "The 1 good day in a 100 years",
------- beginning of excerpt from Song by Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) -------
"He alone may worship Him. No one else can do this.
You cannot worship with the body. It is the Life and Wisdom united with each other, in a state of propriety mingled with the Nur (light of wisdom), and in the concentration of that Light, that One must worship. The One has to worship the One who Is.
That state of worship will become Him and That will be understood as That. It is this state that is deathless for which there is no rebirth.
In that state the Word and the Worship become Him, and the Continuous light and the Wisdom and Nur become Him. That will become the Resplendent Rahman (The Merciful One) in this world and the next. Other than This there is no other way to be the Ruler over here and there.
My dear brother and my children, if within your concentration with meaning, you can say this concentratedly, that is enough, that is enough. The physical body will be separated. In the inner section the Luminous Wisdom will shine, when you stand in the path of Wisdom and recite this meaning with Love.
If you steady the Ill-Allahu (You are Allah), after that there is nothing else. There is no birth, death, or destruction, there is no rebirth after that. This meaning that exists without anything else, you have to recite it and obtain determination.
My children, surrendering at the feet of the Guru, knowing the word of the heart of the Guru, knowing with your wisdom and understanding with your obedience. Finding complete conviction, enter within and say the Kalimah, Ill-Allahu.
(Note: the Kalimah is defined in the Glossary as "The Affirmation of faith. La ilaha illa Allah: There is nothing other than You, O God. Only You are Allah". It is the principle prayer or focus or concept within Islam. See Glossary of Terms for more on the Kalimah. Also, see Chapter 25, page 85, in the book, The Pearl of Wisdom, for more on the Kalimah or Dhikr, where His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen [Ral.) teaches us the inner meaning of the Kalimah, of Ill Allahu, of "Steadying Him within", of "Making Him stay in our heart":
"You are Allah, There is nothing other than You. Without You there is no other help because I do not exist. You are with me. Be inside my heart. Do not be separated from me")
Say, Ill-Allahu, and then say, Ill-Allahu. Recite La-Illaha (there is nothing other than You) and then recite Ill-Allahu, and hold steady the Ill-Allahu.
Do not just say it in words, dare to understand it with wisdom and faith, faith in the way in which you can hold the meaning that is beyond the boundaries of the two worlds.
Hold steady the Ill-Allahu and become it. Hold it within the Qalb (heart) and become it.
Say La-Illaha and overcome. Say La-Illaha and discard. Say Ill-Allahu and steady Him within. Say Ill-Allahu and steady Him within. Say it without saying and stand there.
With your ruh (soul) and with your Wisdom, vibrate and face Them, vibrate and face Them. Hold steady Ill-Allahu.
That is the explanation in that Light. That is the Light. That is the explanation. That is the death of the world. That is the reality of the One Allahu. That is the reality.
If the children take the meaning of this state and recite it, if that Divine Word is said without saying, the state will become the state of personal worship of God. Recite in Truth on this path.
That is the Perfection. That is the Perfection and the Word of the Shaikh, the language of your leader Allah. The form within which the ruh (soul) and the Light stand in unison. In Truth the Grace which stands in the form of Light.
That Grace is the Resonance of Allah, and the Resonance is Allah, and you will be within it. Al-hamdulillah, Rabil alamin (All praise be to God, O Ruler of the Universes).
Know that this is the beauty of the form and recite it like that. Al-hamdulillah, Rabil alamin. "
------- end of excerpt from Song by Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) -------
(Note: His Holiness teaches us that the world of hell within us is the world of satan, who is the original deceiver, the degenerate one, the discarded one, who originally separated man from God, and the world of jinns within us, which are beings of fire within us, that can make us see anything we desire in the world, but once we employ them, if we don't keep them busy, they will kill us, and the world of fairies within us, which are beautiful beings of illusion within us, who can take on any form they wish, like becoming a beautiful maiden, and once we become fascinated by them, deceive us through our fascination, causing us to pine away for our beloved until we die) 2-4. We Must Stop Acting Like We Are "Separate From" God - when in truth we are within God, and God is within us, when in truth we are "One with" God, and God is "One with" us, when in truth all of our brothers and sisters, and all of the Creation of God are within us, not outside of us, as our mind and desire falsely shows them to be, causing us to treat other people in our ignorance as if they are "separate from" our own life, and to treat other groups, and other nations as if they are "separate from" our groups, and our nation, which is false, which in truth is our hell, which in truth is the world of "separation and differences" that has grown in our ignorance within us, that we see in our collective ignorance as existing "outside" of us. Such is our karma, our fate, and our destiny, in this world and the next, unless God intervenes, and He will if we but properly ask Him
In this way, if we don't establish a direct loving relationship of "Oneness with" God within us, and through that, of "Oneness with" our brothers and sisters, both within and "outside" of us, who are all really within us, and through that, of "Oneness with" the Creation of God within us, that God has secretly hidden within us, before we were born, and to do all of this before we die, if we fail to do this, before we die, then the world of hell within us will be our home for eternity, the temporary world that we currently see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, becomes our eternal world, after our death, a hell where we will be "separate from" God, and "separate from" each other, and "separate from" the Creation of God for eternity.
In this way, if we don't learn to become One with all of the stuff "Made-by-God" within us, before we die, if we don't build a loving relationship with all of this "Stuff of God" within us, before we die, that God has lovingly and patiently placed within each of us even before we were born and came to this world, then as the default, after we die, we get for eternity all of the stuff "made-by-man" on the "outside" of us, we get all of our stubborn relationships for eternity, all of our relationships "outside" of us that keep us "separate from" God, "separate from" each other, and "separate from" the Creation of God within us, for "stubbornness" is the true opposite of love.
We get to keep for eternity all of our competitive relationships, our adversarial relationships, our create-destroy relationships, our love-hate relationships, our good-evil relationships, all of our relationships of "separation and differences" that we have build with all of our brothers and sisters, since the age of two, since we forgot about God and fell into many a trap.
For as His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us on page 6, as the first sentence in the Forward to the beautiful book of wisdom,
"Man appearing on this earth, forgets God and falls into many a trap. He does not know to seek himself, although God exists within man."
In this beautiful book His Holiness goes on to tell us that this book, The Pearl of Wisdom, is provided to explain this concept in detail, to explain the concept called Tawhid in detail.
(Note: what His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) presents and describes in the book, The Pearl of Wisdom, this concept of the Oneness of God and True Man, and through that, of the Oneness of man and man, and through that, the Oneness of man and the Creation of God, is called Tawhid in Islam, and is defined by His Holiness as "The affirmation of the Unity of Allah") 2-5. We Must Stop Acting Like We Are "Separate From" Each Other - when in truth we all have the same original mother and father, which was Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them), and we have no natural enemies, and the only thing that keeps us separate from each other are our animal qualities of "separation and differences", but which will all naturally disappear from within us, when we again remember God, before doing or saying anything, when we try to strengthen our faith and trust in God, in each thing that God puts before us, and when we join with God within us to develop His 3000 gracious qualities, and His 99 wilayats or attributes or powers
Such is our true relationship with God within us, and with each other both within and "outside" of us, and with the Creation of God within us, when we become One with the stuff "Made-by-God" within us, which naturally occur within us if we will but trust and love in God within us, and only in God within us.
And in this way, if we will but put down what we currently carrying, if we will but put down our trust and love in the world, in the world that we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, which is our relationships with all of the stuff "made-by-man" on the outside of us, which are the relationships of hell that we have build in our ignorance while living on the earth world, and after we die, which are then all given to us by God for eternity, all within the "justice of God".
So when we die, instead of living in heaven within us for eternity, in the state of "Oneness with" God within us for eternity, and in the state of "Oneness with" everything that God is "One with" within us, for eternity, within the heaven that we joined in partnership with God within us to built within us, before we died, while living in the world, within that heaven where we have joined in partnership with God within us to open up our "Oneness with" God within us, before we died, while living in the world, within that heaven where we have joined with God within us to establish relationships of "Oneness with" all of the stuff "Made-by-God" within us, before we died, while living in the world.
So when we die, instead of this, we get hell for eternity, and within that hell we get all of the relationships of "separation and differences" that we have established in the world "outside" of us, before we died, while living in the world, for eternity, all of our relationships of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within us, for eternity, with all of this being given to us by God within the "justice of God".
When we die we get the given or default place and life for eternity, we get to stay for eternity in the hell that we have all naturally grown within us as part of being born and growing up on the earth in ignorance of ourselves, in ignorance of "Who we are", and of "Who God is", and of the true relationship between God and man, and of man and man, which is Oneness.
This is sort of like getting the given or default of the earth, which are weeds, and the harvest of the weeds, which are "weed seeds", that naturally grown on the earth, and are harvested from the earth, without us or anyone else having to do anything to grow them and harvest them.
In this way, unless we awaken to the "reality of ourselves" before we die, which is God within us and "us" within God, which is our relationship of "Oneness with" God within us, and of God's relationship of "Oneness with" us within us, and through this, our relationship of "Oneness with" each other, and of "Oneness with" the Creation of God within us, unless we awaken to this "reality of ourselves" before we die, then when we die, we get the opposite, we get the "falsehood of ourselves", we get an eternal life of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within us. 2-6. Why Does An Apple Seed Germinate? - because it becomes aware that it is an apple seed, that it is buried within the earth, and the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to grow, and then the earth becomes aware that the apple seed is now aware that it is an apple seed, that it is buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to grow, and then, out of that mutual awareness, the apple seed surrenders to the earth and the earth surrenders to the apple seed, and that is why an apple seed germinates, because of awareness, not because of the 5 elements, not because of earth, fire, water, air, and ether, as science tells us
Which is like what happens to an apple seed buried within the earth, where either it germinates and reveals the apple tree hidden within it, and all of the stuff of the apple tree, and all of the relationships within it between the stuff of the apple tree, between the stuff of the tree "Made-by-God", like between the earth, the roots, the trunk, the sap, the branches, the leaves, the sun, the air, the water, the fire or heat, the flowers, the honey bee, the fruit, the sweet taste of the fruit, and again the apple seed within the fruit.
Or it fails to germinate, and instead is stuck forever with the earth, and with its elemental relationships, with its relationships with the elements within the earth and within itself, its relationship with the earth, fire, air, water, and ether (colors), eventually rotting in the earth and being absorbed back into each of the elements that make up its physical form, forever breaking its relationship with the apple tree and the apple fruit, that it came to the earth, to join with the earth, to tell.
Forever breaking the relationship of Oneness that exists between the apple seed and the earth, the apple tree, the sun, air, water, and the apple fruit and the apple seed, the relationship "that in truth they are all one".
For as His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us, life is all about, the world is all about, we are all about, God is all about, the relationship of Oneness.
Where each part is really the whole, which we see clearly with the apple seed which at the same time is part of the fruit but when buried within the earth, it is all of the apple tree, and at the same time, the whole becomes each part, where the apple tree is all of it, but then becomes part of it, but then becomes many, many apple flowers, and many, many mature fruit, with many, many apple seeds, where what we see as stationary is always moving, is always becoming what is within it, and is always hiding itself in what is being revealed, only to be revealed again later in the next cycle of what is going on.
For as His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us, the cycle of everything, the movement and stillness of everything, is really just a finger pointing to the cycle of God, to the movement and stillness of God,
"One within the other as One, one revealing the other within it, one hiding itself within the other as the other is revealed, only to be revealed again, later in the next cycle."
Such is the cycle and relationship of the apple seed, the apple tree, and the apple fruit, and such is the true cycle and relationship of the "Seed of God" or our soul, the "Tree of God" or True Man, and the "Fruit of God" or the taste of God, and as such, they are One, we are One, God and man are One, and within this reality, man and man are One, and within this reality, man and the Creation of God are One. 2-7. What Has Incredible Movement So It Can Stand Perfectly Still?
One day in the "room", which is what we affectionately called the place where His Holiness lived in Philadelphia, where He spent most of His time while living in America, until He died, because most of the time He was very ill, and bedridden, though He told us He was not really sick, that instead, what we saw as His sickness was but Him taking on our illnesses, not His own, in order to cure us, by handing them to God, by joining in partnership with God within us, to get God to take on our illness as His own, and in this way, to get God to cure Himself of us, in the process revealing "God within us".
One day in the "room", His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) asked us a riddle,
"What has incredible movement so it can stand perfectly still?"
None of us had a clue, and after a while His Holiness said,
"A humming bird. It has incredible movement so it can stand perfectly still before the flower and draw its nourishment from the flower."
"And like this, God has incredible movement outside so He can stand perfectly still inside, and draw His nourishment, which is His divine knowledge or 'ilm from His Creation."
So what we call man is that aspect of God that is both going into movement from stillness, what we call the fall of Adam (peace be upon Him), or the fall of each of us, and going into stillness from movement, what we call the awakening of man to his own reality, what we call the recovery of Adam (peace be upon Him) from His fall. And what we call God is that aspect of God that is perfectly still, both nourishing and drawing His nourishment from His Creation.
But all of it is One, all of it is the "Oneness of God and True Man", like the apple tree and the apple are the movement of the tree while the apple seed is the stillness of the tree, but all of them, the apple seed, the apple tree, and the apple, are One.
And we get to that state of the stillness of God, we go in that direction in our life, from our movement to our stillness, by placing our faith and trust in that stillness that is God within us, in what is perfectly still within us but is also "us" within us, instead of in what is moving within us, or "outside" of us, and by joining with that stillness that is God within us to becoming "One with" each other, both "outside" and within us, and through this, to become "One with" the Creation of God within us, in order to nourish and to draw our nourishment, like the humming bird "outside" of us, and like God within us, from the Creation of God within us.
In this way, unless we learn to become One with the "reality of ourselves" for eternity by drawing on God within us, before we die, we get the "falsehood of ourselves" for eternity, unless we learn to use God within us to get to "us" within God and God within "us" for eternity, before we die, we get "separation and differences" for eternity.
Unless we learn how to draw on the "Stuff of God" within us, on the stuff "Made-by-God" within us, like the grace, the wisdom, and the divine knowledge of God within us, becoming "True Man" within us, and us within "True Man" for eternity, before we die, we get "false man" within us and "us" within "false man" for eternity, we get the results of having drawn on the "stuff of man", on the stuff "made-by-man" on the "outside" of us, while we lived our life in the world.
Unless we become like the farmer plowing under all of the weeds in his field and planting good seeds, which he then carefully tends, and finally harvests, producing a good crop, when the growing season is over, which he can then share for the benefit of all, instead of this, if we do nothing with what God has given us, with the "Stuff of God" within us, with the stuff "Made-by-God" within us, if instead we waste our time living "outside" of us, building relationships of "separation and differences", relationships with all the "stuff of man", with the stuff "made-by-man" on the "outside" of us.
Then when we die, we get to keep only the harvest of the weeds, which are of little value, which are "weed seeds" that nobody wants, we get to keep for eternity all of the relationships of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within us, that we in our ignorance have planted, tended, and brought to maturity in our life time.
All of which is the birth right, the heritage, of the animal within man, not of God or of True Man within us, that naturally grow within us in our ignorance as the weeds of sin, through no effort on our part, that naturally grown within us through the 400 trillion, 10,000 spiritual energies within the earth within us, making us destined to never see heaven, and never to become One with God within heaven within us, never to build a relationship with any of the "Stuff of God" within us, that God has lovingly and personally hidden within each of us, within each of His Children for this age, which is all of us living in this age, if we truly want it. 2-8. What Lies Ahead of Us, After We Die - is what is currently in front of us, before we die, because the house we build is the house we get, the crop we sow is the harvest we will reap, because "The justice of God is that whatever we intend is what we will receive". In this way, our own life answers the question, "What do we want?", because what we end up with, before we die, is what we truly want after we die, not what we may say we want, and is what we then get for eternity, through the justice of God, for in each moment of our life before we die, we are talking to God, we are telling God what we want for eternity, by what we focus on, support, join, intend, learn about, spend time with, believe in, love, and trust, at each moment during our day, our week, our month, our year, at each moment of our life, before we die. Such is the justice of God and the absolute perfection of His Judgment
Such is what lies ahead for each of us, Mr. President, an eternal life of "separation from" God, if we don't correct our ways, if we don't start to trust and love only in God, if we don't put down our trust and love for the world "outside" of us, if we don't put down all of our relationships of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, and instead place our faith and trust in God within us, and in God alone.
And then join in partnership with God within us to build a loving and trusting relationship of "Oneness with" God within us, and with all of the "Stuff of God" within us, like with the 124,000 Prophets, and heavenly beings, and lights of God within us, including the 8 main Prophets of God within us, which we call Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad (may God be pleased with all of His Prophets, including Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), who came into the world 1000 years ago bringing the gift of the "Justice of Man" into the world that became what we now call freedom, or democracy, rule of law, free speech, free press.
Including the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), both within us and "outside" of us, who came into the world in our age, and lived with us for 100 years from 1886 to 1986, and now of His Children, bringing the gift of the "Justice of Conscience" into the world, which if we will but let it, is the completion of what came before, of the "Justice of Man", which is capable of dealing with the "Injustice of Man" that now surrounds the "Justice of Man", and is threatening to destroy it, to destroy what had come before from God.
And through our relationship of "Oneness with" all of this "Stuff of God", both within us and on the "outside" of us, may we join with God within us to build a loving and trusting relationship of "Oneness with" each other, and of "Oneness with" the Creation of God within us.
Such is what lies ahead for each of us, my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush. That is for sure. And the choice is ours. May we both think about this a little. It is very, very important. 2-9. The Main Point of This Letter - is that what is needed to truly win the war on terrorism, within ourselves and within those around us, is our love and faith and trust in God, and only in God, and through this, our direct relationship with God within us, a loving relationship of Oneness with God within us, which starts when we truly understand what this means
And this is the main point of my letter to you, my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, that this is what is needed to truly win the war on terrorism, within ourselves and within those around us, our love and faith and trust in God, and only in God, and through this, our direct relationship with God within us, a loving relationship of Oneness with God within us, which starts when we truly understand what this means.
And having realized the truth of ourselves that naturally emerges from within us, when we are ready, when we are spiritually mature, when we realize, understand, accept, and join with the truth of us, and truly agree with it, truly surrender to it as the will of God in our life, and then join with God within us to make it happen, both within ourselves and in all lives around us, when we join with God within us, and with all of the "Stuff of God" within us, with all of the stuff "Made-by-God" within us, and having come to this point in our life, we step out to build this loving relationship of Oneness with each of our brothers and sisters living in this world, without exception.
This is the secret weapon that you have at your disposal, Mr. President, if you wish to use it, the life and teaching of God for our age, for the Children of God for our age, which is all of us living in this age, if we but truly want it, which God has placed within each of us even before we were born, and that God has now placed "outside" of us, as but a finger putting to what He has already placed within us, which is the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
A beautiful teaching that both envelops and transcends all of the great religions of the world without conflict, without competition, without someone winning and someone else losing, without building upon our current relationships of "separation and differences", but instead builds within us a direct relationship with God, a relationship of "Oneness with" God, and through this, a relationship of "Oneness with" each other, and through this, a relationship of "Oneness with" the Creation of God within us.
Allowing us to correctly move on with our life, and to correctly move on with our country, and allowing others to do the same, without interference from us, or from any other country, if that be our true intention, allowing us to put down once and for all our need to "dominate" the world and bend it to our will, allowing us to treat all lives and countries as our own, as the One World Community, allowing us to put down once and for all, all of the "separation and differences" that seems to be so inherent in each of the great religions of the world, within each of the sovereign countries of the world, and within each of our individual lives.
Such is the state of the world today, the state of "separation and differences", my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, as reflected in the main religions of the world, like in Judaism, Islam, Christianity, or Hinduism, and as reflected in the main areas of the world, and in the main sovereign nations of the world.
For example, as reflected in North and South America, and in sovereign nations like in America, Canada, Mexico, or Brazil, and in the European Nations, like in Britain, Germany, or France, and in the West Asian or Middle Eastern Countries, like in Egypt, Syria, Israel, Jordan, or Saudi Arabia, and in the South Asian Countries, like in India, Pakistan, or Sri Lanka, and in the Far Eastern Countries, like in Indonesia, Malaysia, North and South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, or China, as well as in all of the other areas and countries in the world.
The problem is that we all want the same thing from a world that is growing smaller and smaller, as our populations and consumption and science and appetites grow larger and larger.
In this way, it seems we are all the same, when it comes to wanting our own sovereignty and also wanting influence over the other countries in our neighborhood, which is becoming more and more evident and pervasive in the 21st Century with the explosive number of sovereign countries in the world, and the pressure we are starting to place on each other, and on the world, especially in the case of the most powerful countries in the world like America, Russia, China, and the United Countries of the World, like a United Europe, or the Middle East, or the Far East.
All of them requiring and demanding greater influence over the rest of the world, all competing for the same limited resources, and all of them wanting to obtain and use, either overtly or covertly, the necessary strength to make their influence felt, whether it be through economic means like trade agreements and now Globalization (World Book: the trend toward increased economic, cultural, and social connectedness between individuals, businesses, and public), or wars like in Iraq and Afghanistan, or the threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction, like in North Korea and Iran, or even the possible use of existing Weapons of Mass Destruction, like in India and Pakistan.
Where is it to end, my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush? Will we become like the lemmings who every 7 years overpopulate to the point where they grow a little crazy and self-destruct by running off the cliff, or will we turn to God, will we turn to the "Stuff of God" within us, to the grace, and wisdom, and knowledge of God within us, to help us overcome the demons within our very own hearts who are tricking us into destroying each other on the "outside" of us, before we can reach God within us, eventually destroying the entire world "outside" of us through what we call science.
For as His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us,
"The end result of science is destruction".
Which is the natural outcome of putting more and more power, that can be used quicker and quicker, in the hands of children, in the hands of children who at times are very arrogant, selfish, and nasty children, in the hands of children who have not first grown up to the reality of the toys that they are playing with, and the consequence of actually using them against another child, and how irreversible some of their actions may be.
Such is the case when any person, any leader, or any sovereign nation, when it acts in ignorance of its current state of spiritual development, and when it fails to understand the true source of power within themselves and through its people, in the world, which is God not man.
Such is the case when any person, leader, or nation, becomes arrogant about his ignorance, thinking that he or she has the inside track on something, and everyone else is a little off, to say the least, which is naturally the case for any of us, and for any leader, and for any sovereign nation, when we have forgotten about God, the only true power in the world, and the "Stuff of God" within us, the only true direction and clarity in the world, and through our arrogance, karma, and illusion, which is what His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) calls "The Triple Dirt", we finally unleash through our science something that we cannot control, like a truly deadly virus, which will kill everyone living in the world.
This is what His Holiness teaches us is happening in the world today, my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush, the demons within our very own heart are tricking us from within us, by making us see what is happening within us as occurring "outside" of us, by making us see the other guy or girl, the other group, or the other country "outside" of us as the enemy, as the enemy to our way of life, to our values, as the main problem that is facing our life, our group, or our country, a problem that must be solved through our might and our right, by our correctness, our cleverness, our courage, and our superiority.
In this way, always distracting us from looking at ourselves, from looking at "who we really are" within us, from looking at "who we have become" within us through our ignorance, and "who we have become" within us through our arrogance about our ignorance, never realizing that we are in truth always looking at everything through our ignorance, not as it really is, always looking at everything as existing "outside" of us, rather than looking through our wisdom, rather than seeing everything as existing "within us".
For example, His Holiness one day told us,
"You will not see anything in another person that you don't already have within yourself."
"Until wisdom dawns within you, all that you see in the world is but a reflection of yourself, of your own state of consciousness, of the condition of your own heart, of what illnesses of spirit you currently have."
After wisdom dawns within you, then when you look at someone in the world you will see their heart, and understand the current state of their life, and what they truly need, immediately handing all of this understanding and insight to God within you, rather than acting on it, and joining in partnership with God within you to complete His intention, making yourself available to God, as His slave, allowing God as the "slave of the slave" to help in each situation that you place in front of Him in this way.
In this way, realizing that in truth we never see anything as it really is, we never see what is growing within us, we never see what we are constantly nourishing within us through our illusory life "outside" of us, with our life of sin outside of us, with our life of "separation and differences" outside of us, which in truth are the weeds of the earth, which in truth are the lives of darkness within us, the lives of darkness within us that are literally destroying us as we speak, the lives of darkness within us that are reflected "outside" of us as lives of "separation and differences", as the lives of our brothers and sisters, of our wives and children, as our family, our groups, our races and religions, and our country, lives "outside" of us that are "separate from" God, "separate from" each other, and "separate from" the Creation of God within us.
Until wisdom dawns within us we never see anything as it really is, and as such, we are very dangerous to the lives around us, because in our ignorance, and because of our arrogance about our ignorance, we fail to realize this truth about ourselves, and understand our current state, and fail to act wisely, making things worse in our own life and in the lives around us.
As a result, we must always be very careful when we have dealings in the world, my dearest loving brother, President George W. Bush. And we must seek out wise council until we truly come to maturity, until we transform our qualities from Animal-Man/Man-Animal into Man-God/God-Man. Only then will we, and those around us, be truly safe.
May we both reflect on these beautiful words of wisdom, from the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) that is growing within the heart of your brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler). May we both reflect on them a little. It is very, very important.
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This page was last updated on: December 2, 2003